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Introducing Tenable AI Assistant: Your Generative AI Analyst To Achieve Proactive Security

Introducing Tenable AI Assistant

Context is critical when it comes to analyzing and prioritizing your exposures. Learn how Tenable AI Assistant, your new Gen AI-based security analyst, can help you answer specific questions, interpret exposure findings and respond to security issues faster than ever. 

In today's dynamic threat landscape, staying ahead of cyberattacks requires more than just reactive measures. Organizations need proactive security strategies powered by an exposure management program that leverages generative artificial intelligence (AI). Security analysts need ways to improve their efficiency around analysis and to get more preventive security done. 

The Tenable One Exposure Management Platform, powered by ExposureAI, does just that, by providing a boost to your security strategies and accelerating how you search, analyze and make informed decisions to stay ahead of attackers.

 ExposureAI helps customers with the following use cases:

  • Explain, so you can derive succinct guidance to better understand product findings in attack path analysis.
  • Search, to help simplify search across your asset inventory for complete visibility.
  • Action, to proactively deliver insights for actions that have the most impact.

In January, Tenable Attack Path Analysis, also part of Tenable One, gained two new capabilities via ExposureAI. The first focuses on creating succinct attack-path summaries for a quicker understanding of how an attacker could gain unwanted access, regardless of your experience or security-domain expertise. The second provides mitigation guidance to understand where to put security resources and apply chokepoints. But analysts also need to interact and ask questions.

Security analysts need more answers to complete their work faster

As security analysts, we understand that speed and efficiency are critical to rectify emerging threats before they become full-blown security incidents. The pain is real for these teams. That’s why they need to get information faster to drive security outcomes. 

Common scenarios include:

  • Needing answers about an asset, vulnerability or a MITRE ATT&CK technique faster
  • Following up on specific nodes in an attack path to get more context
  • Needing guidance on what actions to take

The bottom line: Analysts need their own generative AI security assistant so that they can have greater interactivity with their security products.

Introducing Tenable AI Assistant - available now!

We’re excited to announce Tenable AI Assistant within Tenable One, first rolled out in Attack Path Analysis. This allows analysts to interactively ask questions about a specific node or the full attack path, and to derive more context. 

Simplicity is key. When viewing an attack path, right-click on the specific node and select “Ask AI About This Node” to queue up your personal security assistant.

The new Tenable AI Assistant

Let's say you have a critical attack path identified from your environment. You understand how an attacker would use various assets, vulnerabilities and techniques to gain access to a business-critical asset. But you need to understand the details of the potential attack. We recommend you use the following questions as a start to get this information faster:

  • What can you tell me about this asset?
  • How many domain admins have access to this asset?
  • What patch can I apply to mitigate the vulnerability in this attack path?
  • What is the number of attack paths this patch mitigates?

Not only does this give you the answers you need to help you understand the risk of the attack path, but it also gives you this information without the need for you to go and find it yourself. Each customer container allows analysts to ask up to 100 questions per month to derive security context faster.

Next steps

If you are a Tenable One Enterprise customer, you have this capability now within Attack Path Analysis - go try it for yourself! To view more of this in action, view our how-to video and demo video below, or talk to your Tenable representative.





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Tenable Vulnerability Management


Tenable Vulnerability Management 试用版还包含 Tenable Lumin 和 Tenable Web App Scanning。

Tenable Vulnerability Management

可全面访问基于云的现代化漏洞管理平台,从而以无可比拟的精确度发现并追踪所有资产。 立即购买年度订阅。

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Tenable Vulnerability Management


Tenable Vulnerability Management 试用版还包含 Tenable Lumin 和 Tenable Web App Scanning。

Tenable Vulnerability Management

可全面访问基于云的现代化漏洞管理平台,从而以无可比拟的精确度发现并追踪所有资产。 立即购买年度订阅。

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Tenable Vulnerability Management


Tenable Vulnerability Management 试用版还包含 Tenable Lumin 和 Tenable Web App Scanning。

Tenable Vulnerability Management

可全面访问基于云的现代化漏洞管理平台,从而以无可比拟的精确度发现并追踪所有资产。 立即购买年度订阅。

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试用 Tenable Web App Scanning

您可以通过 Tenable One 风险暴露管理平台完全访问我们专为现代应用程序量身打造的最新 Web 应用程序扫描产品。可安全扫描全部在线资产组合的漏洞,具有高度准确性,而且无需繁重的手动操作或中断关键的 Web 应用程序。立即注册。

Tenable Web App Scanning 试用版还包含 Tenable Vulnerability Management 和 Tenable Lumin。

购买 Tenable Web App Scanning

可全面访问基于云的现代化漏洞管理平台,从而以无可比拟的精确度发现并追踪所有资产。 立即购买年度订阅。

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试用 Tenable Lumin

使用 Tenable Lumin 直观呈现及探索您的风险暴露管理,长期追踪风险降低状况,并比照同行业者进行基准衡量。

Tenable Lumin 试用版还包括 Tenable Vulnerability Management 和 Tenable Web App Scanning。

购买 Tenable Lumin

联系销售代表,了解 Tenable Lumin 如何帮助您获取整个企业的洞见并管理网络安全风险。

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